Whether you run a sales team or an entire business, you must have a social media strategy to survive. It's essential to social networking and connecting with the top influencers in your industry. However, there are other benefits, such as... (Read More)
We're all familiar with the influence digital communications have in the marketing and advertising world. Say "digital" and what age group comes to mind?
If you're like most people, you'd envision a young adult or teen wearing AirPods and... (Read More)
The average attention span of an adult is shorter than ever, which makes it all the more challenging for social media marketers to capture their target audience's attention while they're swiftly scrolling through their newsfeeds.
To compete with... (Read More)
Let's say you sell garden supplies. When is the time to increase your SEO marketing efforts? If you said summer, that's not exactly the right answer. In fact, you should probably begin your efforts well before the planting season, say late... (Read More)
Whether you're new to landing page development or a seasoned pro, there's always room to grow your skills as a marketer. Here are some common mistakes people make with landing pages that could be killing conversions:
TMI! Online visitors have... (Read More)
Social media marketing practices are always changing, but there still remain some persistent problems that some marketers can't seem to give up on. If you're concerned about potentially driving away your followers with well-intentioned but poorly... (Read More)
Here's a bold prediction. Even if you stumble across this post in the year 2040, it's likely SEO will still be a deciding factor in your company's success. Sure, the world will look like a different place, but the ability to put content related to... (Read More)
As a small business with a limited budget, you might feel like you can’t compete with the big brands. You may, in fact, feel a bit like the little guy who is facing down a giant with no slingshot in sight. Thankfully, there are fundamental social... (Read More)
How does it feel when you realize you're being pitched something? Do you get a little twitchy and anxious to move on to something more meaningful and fulfilling when you see a clear attempt to sell you on a product? We all do.
With this in mind... (Read More)